Next up club meetings start in September
FYI This month's board meeting has been cancelled. Join us for our October Meeting
Members, please let us know who or what you would like at the next couple of meetings. Contact the the club at:
[email protected] Speaker for October 2 Lou Zambello Lou’s topic will be Flyfishing in Lakes and Ponds for trout and salmon: Tactics and Fly Patterns (less crowded resource and less impacted by supreme weather!) Lou Zambello has fly fished northern New England for over 35 years and has been a registered Maine Guide for over 20 years, guiding primarily in the Rangeley area. Check out his website which contains his blog, photos, videos, and more at Lou has published three books; "Fly Fishing Northern New England's Seasons, How to fish ice-out, hatch season, summer, the fall spawning run, and winter. (with new bonus section on catching trophy-sized fish", "Flyfisher's Guide to New England", and "In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout: The Ultimate Handbook of Tactics, Timing, and Territory." The first is a "how-to" book of tactics and techniques to successfully fish each of the seasons. The second is a guide to thousands of waters in New England - with maps, GPS coordinates, and detailed information. The third is written for anglers looking to catch the fish of a lifetime and describes how, when, and where to catch a trophy brook trout or landlocked salmon. Lou also writes a bi-monthly fly-fishing column for The Maine Sportsman Magazine and has written for Eastern Fly Fishing magazine and American Angler. Lou worked at LLBean for over 14 yearsgiving him the opportunity to fish with and learn from a number of fly-fishing legends such as Dave Whitlock and Dick Talleur. He has traveled throughout the US and the world to pursue his passion including New Zealand, Patagonia, Labrador, Newfoundland, Russia, the Bahamas, the southeast US, southwest US, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and California. This author has been fortunate enough to catch a number of salmonids over 8 pounds including brook trout, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, steelhead, and rainbow trout. Lou gives fly-fishing presentations around the United States at fly-fishing shows, Trout Unlimited chapter meetings, fly-shops, and other fishing club events. He teaches introductory fly-fishing courses for the Maine Fly Company in Yarmouth, Maine. Election of Officers
The slate of officers that were approved at the December meeting were as follows. Please note we still NEED someone to fill the Presidents position. We also have a need for the newsletter editor. Let us know if you might be interested. President Open Vice President - Casey Shannon Treasurer - Donald Corey Director - Barb Goos Director - Paul Markson Thanks to all who stepped up to help the club. Just a small piece of what you missed by not attending the meeting.
Upcoming Events:
Our next regular meeting Our next meeting will be on October 2, 2024, Social hour will be from 5 - 6PM - with The featured tyer, TBA We follow with dinner, at 6 pm (available for purchase, the meal for the meeting TBA Please note the meal price $15. Please let us know if you want the meal at [email protected] Not required to attend, followed by a brief business meeting. As always, the meetings are open to the public, so grab a friend and join us for a great meal and fellowship - and some wicked good flyfishing stories! Let us know!!!!
If you have something that you would like to see the club do, please let us know. If it is some type of class or speakers or something else, we can't do it if you don't let us know. SPEAKER COORDINATOR We are looking for someone to take over getting speakers for the meetings. This is a relatively easy task as who wouldn't want to talk to all of us. The current coordinator will be stepping down in December. This is your chance to select the speakers you have always wanted to get |
FMI contact "[email protected]"
Our mailing address is:
Penobscot Fly Fishers
P.O. Box 651
Brewer, ME 04412
Our regular, monthly meetings are on on the first Wednesday of each month. Meal available for purchase $15.
Penobscot Fly Fishers is a Fly Fishing and 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization that promotes outdoor fishing activities and conservation of our Maine fisheries. We meet at the Penobscot County Conservation Association's clubhouse located at 570 N Main St., Brewer, the first Wednesday of every month, September through June. We have monthly meetings with interesting speakers, annual fly tying classes which start the first week of January thru March, Fly Fishing 101 class every April, local High School fly tying, casting clinics, assist IF&W with fish marking, fish stocking, and of course, fishing!
FMI contact "[email protected]"
Our mailing address is:
Penobscot Fly Fishers
P.O. Box 651
Brewer, ME 04412
FMI contact "[email protected]"
Our mailing address is:
Penobscot Fly Fishers
P.O. Box 651
Brewer, ME 04412