2025 Cabin Fever Reliever - 22 Feb Save the date! As you can see it is now just a one-day affair with plenty of activity.
Cabin Fever Reliever is a free family friendly event on Feb 22nd, 2025, from 9am-5pm at the Brewer Auditorium. Exhibitors will include fly tying shops, wildlife groups, outdoors clubs, and more. There will be kid friendly activities like kids fly tying, youth air rifle and archery range. There will be speakers talking about all things outdoors. There are Door Prizes and Food.
If you're interested in exhibiting or speaking, please contact Tim White, Chair 2025 CFR at [email protected].
Be sure to com and listen to our speakers including PFF's round table presentation "Everything you wanted to know about Fly Fishing but were afraid to Ask". For beginners or old timers there will be something to learn
We will be holding a silent auction at the show check out some of the items that will be available to you.
Click on the button to the left to get a list of a few of the exhibitors
This is our annual show where the focus is on attracting families to the great Maine Outdoors, especially the younger generation. After many years we have decided that to make it the most productive for us and you to make it a one day show and extend the hours. We hope you enjoy the new format.
The theme is outdoor education, and there is fun for all ages, with lots of door prizes, gift certificates to be given away, youth archery, and most importantly, FREE ADMISSION!
This year we again are having a silent auction. We're actively collecting donations of art prints, equipment, guided fishing trips and other exiting items that will be auctioned off silently during the event, with winners identified Sunday afternoon. Please reach out to Jill Corey and Barb Goos at [email protected] if you're interested in making a donation or have questions.
It's the end of February in the middle of winter in Maine... You're dreaming of being outside enjoying the fields, forests, and waters of Maine... What can you do about it? Cabin Fever Reliever 2024! Held at the Brewer Auditorium on Saturday, February 22 10:00AM-5:00PM. A FREE family friendly event with tables of exhibitors whose teaching and wares highlight the great Maine outdoors. Join long-time friends and new exhibitors to learn about fly tying, snowmobile riding, land trust, and Maine Guides to name a few of the things you'll enjoy. The Penobscot Conservation Club will also be letting youth try their archery skills on an indoor range.
If you're a club member, we'd love to have you work at one of the PFF tables - reach out to [email protected] to express your interest in volunteering. Looking forward to seeing you at Cabin Fever Reliever 2025.